How to Pick out Kitchen Cabinetry
cabinets are the backbone of the kitchen. It is important to configure the cabinetry to make the most use of your kitchen’s size and floor plan. Consider different looks and layouts.
Base cabinets get the most attention, while hanging wall cabinets are sacrificed for aesthetic features—windows, dramatic backsplashes—to create atmosphere and more appeal in the kitchen. Base cabinets are moving away from doors and toward drawers. Drawers make storage more accessible for more people.
Wall cabinets today extend to the ceiling, making use of high-up space for storing infrequently used serving-ware and cookware. Wall cabinets are blown to full-length proportions, stretching from floor to ceiling to create an accent wall that can house everything from cookbooks to appliances.
As for materials, Plywood is preferred and it doesn’t off-gas from coatings. This material is popular due to the durability and longevity.
Cherry wood is big for cabinets with rich, dark finishes. For a more exotic look, go for alternative woods such as mahogany, bamboo, sapele and anaglade. These can be stained or even lacquered to provide a sleek finish. The glazed cabinet treatment is phasing out with the rise of textured looks for a more natural look.
Keep these tips in mind when choosing cabinetry:
- Request fully adjustable door hardware that allows the installer to adjust doors so the gap between them is uniform. Also ask for recessed bottoms or a valence to hide under-cabinet light fixtures.
- You don’t have to invest in luxury cabinets to get high-quality features. Moderately priced, semi-custom cabinets offer many organization solutions like spice organizers and pull-out pantries.
- What are you going to do with that dead space in the far back corner of your cabinets? You might not even know this space exists—sometimes the blind corner is closed off completely. A pie-corner base cabinet pulls out and utilizes the space; and an old-fashioned Lazy Susan spins and brings stored items within reach.
KGT Builders has finished remodeling projects in communities all over Naples, Florida. For more information on KGT Builders or to receive a free consultation, call 239-992-2300.
(suggestions like these can be found on HGTV.com)